The Friends

The FriendsĀ  of Bewl Water is a voluntary group established in May 2024 dedicated both to the protection and enhancement of the tranquil beauty of Bewl Water and its wildlife and to the promotion of its use for quiet recreational activities in daylight hours.

It is non-party political. The members of the committee are local residents. Some have a wealth of knowledge about Bewl Water.

Bewl Water is of international importance as a gull roost for both common and black-headed gulls.

Its landscape was specifically designed by Dame Sylvia Crowe DBE to blend with the more historic landscape of the Bewl Valley. It is the largest stretch of water in southern England and has become an important feature of the eastern High Weald.

The aims of the group are:

  • Protect, preserve and enhance Bewl Water.
  • Protect the wildlife that is at Bewl Water and the migrating wildlife that visits Bewl Water.
  • Protect the trees and plants at Bewl Water and help others to plant trees and plants there.
  • Foster and assist recreational activities that take place during daylight hours.
  • Protect Bewl Water from unnecessary noise, particularly at night.
  • Reduce the lights visible at Bewl Water at night and help to improve the dark skies there and in the surrounding neighbourhood.
  • Provide information to the official bodies and the public, so the vulnerable position of Bewl Water is understood.
  • Such other activities that the Core group think are appropriate and are in line with the above aims.